radicalpresenceny.org, the website accompanying the forthcoming Studio Museum exhibition (co-presented with the Grey Art Gallery at NYU), Radical Presence: Black Performance in Contemporary Art has launched today!
There, you will find out information on the exhibition's 36 artists; a schedule of upcoming performances, lectures and readings; and a host of multimedia resources, including short audio interviews with some of the exhibition's participants. The exhibition is divided between the two hosting institutions and the schedule of public programming is co-presented with a number of organizations, including Performa, Third Streaming, New York University, the Goethe-Institut, the Artist's Institute and Roulette. Radical Presence originated at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, where it was curated by CAMH's Senior Curator, Valerie Cassel Oliver. On the website, Oliver introduces the show in a short video on the homepage.
The first part of Radical Presence opens on September 10 at the Grey Art Gallery; the second part opens at Studio Museum on November 14. For up-to-the-minute information, please visit radicalpresenceny.org; to be apart of the conversation on social media, use #radicalpresenceny!